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Our Values

Good Research is Fundamental

We believe that architecture should be responsive to both people (fulfilling needs, enhancing health and wellbeing) and the environment (respectful to site and context). 


We love understated architecture, natural and diffused light, warmth, texture and colour.

Materials are Precious

We believe that architecture should respect the natural world.


We love second hand and homemade. If we can specify natural materials, reuse and recycle existing materials,

and shop local, we will.

The Quality of the Detailed Design is Crucial

Architectural details should be elegant and robust. We love flexible and adaptable architecture,

and we prefer nuts and bolts over glue.


Intelligent design and bespoke detailing should be the norm, quality over quantity is preferred. 


Architecture should age well.

Forest Trees

Our Commitment to
Te Tiriti o Waitangi

E kaingākau ana mātou ki te whakatū i ngā āhuatanga e tika ana kia whakamana i Te Tiriti i tō mātou whakahaere.  E whakapono ana mātou ka whakaahei te Tino Rangatiratanga i a tātou katoa kia puāwai mai.


E kaingākau ana mātou ki te ako i te hītori o Aotearoa me Te Tiriti, hei tangata takitahi, hei tīma whānui anō hoki.  E hiahia ana mātou kia tū tangata i tēnei ao, ki te hāpai, ki te
whakahōnore anō i te whai wāhitanga o tangata kē.

Nō mātou te waimaria kia tū hei kirirarau o Aotearoa nei, engari e anipā ana mātou i ngā āhuatanga kua taka mai nō te wā o Te Tiriti, tae noa mai ki tēnei rā kua haehaea te whenua me te mana whenua.  E whakapono ana mātou he wāhanga hoki tā mātou ki te whakarauora, kia heke mai ngā tirohanga, ngā pūnaha, me ngā āhuatanga e pēhi nei i te Māori.

E ngākau hihiri ana hoki mātou ki te mahi tahi ki ngā iwi mō ngā kaupapa ā-hapori. Ka kaha nei tō mātou uara i te mōhiotanga me ngā wheako o te hunga kua roa ake nei te noho ki tēnei whenua, i tēnā o mātou ake.

Ko tā mātou e mōhio nei mō te Tino Rangatiratanga, ko te āheinga o te Māori ki te whakamana i a ia anō kia tū rangatira i tōna ao.  Ko te tuitui tangata hei ora mā te katoa; tangata, whenua, ngā rauemi me ngā wawata.

We earnestly desire to embed meaningful practices that honor Te Tiriti in our organisation.  We believe that Tino rangatiratanga empowers all to flourish.

As individuals and together as a team, we are committed to educating ourselves about the history of Aotearoa and Te Tiriti.  We want to be people who know our place in this world, and we want to uplift and honour the places of others.

We feel privileged to be citizens of Aotearoa, but we are concerned that the events which have taken place since Te Tiriti have caused deep wounds in this land and its people. We believe that we have a part to play in working towards restoration, to undergo the deep work of decolonising the
paradigms, perspectives, systems, structures and spaces that oppress Māori.

We would love the opportunity to meaningfully engage with Iwi on community projects.  We strongly value the knowledge and lived experience of those who have inhabited this land longer than ourselves.

Tino rangatiratanga as we currently understand it, is the ability for Māori to empower Māori through self-determination.  Weaving people together for the wellbeing of all; people, land, resources and aspirations.

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